Friday, May 4, 2012


The LGL45C is an Android phone.ANDROID is an operating system for mobile devices owned by Google. Our phone is using Android version 2.3.4 also known as Gingerbread. Android versions are named in alphabetical order after desserts. The current version is 4.X and named Ice Cream Sandwich. The next major upgrade of Android is expected to be released in the third quarter of 2012 (JellyBean?)

4.0.x     Ice Cream Sandwich
3.x.x     Honeycomb
2.3.x     Gingerbread
2.2        Froyo (Frozen Yogurt)
2.0, 2.1 Eclair
1.6        Donut
1.5       Cupcake

The green robot logo was created and associated with the pre-released versions of ANDROID called Astro and Bender. Some trademark issues were associated with those names making them unavailable eventually leading to the ANDROID theme being changed to desserts.

There are several mobile operating systems on the market. The Top Ten smart phones operating systems are Android, Symbian, Apple iOS, RIM BlackBerry, MeeGo, Windows Phone, and Bada.

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