HSN's Optimus V description states a 3.2" QVGA LCD Touchscreen. The specifications for an LGL45C is a 320 X 480 HVGA (Capacitive) Touchscreen.
QVGA - (Quarter Video Graphics Array) is primarily used in smart phones, digital cameras, and other handheld devices with displays. QVGA has a pixel resolution of 320 X 240, a quarter of the 640×480 resolution used by the IBM VGA computer monitor that set the standard in the 1980s, thus Q-VGA. QVGA resolution is measured in pixels by Height X Width. 320 X 240 means 320 pixels in height and 240 in width (see photo below). The higher the resolution the more detailed and sharper the display.
HVGA (Half-size VGA) screens have 480×320 pixels (3:2 aspect ratio), 480×360 pixels (4:3 aspect ratio), 480×272 (16:9 aspect ratio) or 640×240 pixels (8:3 aspect ratio).
LCD - (Liquid Crystal Display) LCD displays are made like a sandwich. Take some liquid crystal solution and sandwich it between layers of transparent sheets of electrodes. Zap the sandwich with some electrical current and patterns form displaying an image. Change the amount of current and you change the color.
Touchscreen -There are two types of touchscreens. Resistive and Capacitive.
Resistive screen requires that you make contact with the display by using a stylus, fingernail, or any inanimate object and applying pressure to navigate the screen.
A Capacitive screen can sense a finger or specific electrical conductive material on or near the screen. This makes the Capacitive screen more sensitive where your finger can glide across the screen like a hockey puck gliding across the table of an air hockey game. It will take practice to accurately select icons and navigate the screen using your finger.
You can purchase a specific type of stylus that will work on a Capacitive screen to improve accuracy and also use if you are wearing gloves. A Capacitive screen can not sense a finger of a person wearing a thick glove besides accurately touching an icon would be challenging. If you are wearing a glove you will need to remove the glove, use a stylus, or purchase a special Capacitive touch gloves in order to navigate the screen.
320 X 480 - the first number represents the height and the second the width in pixels.
480 X 320 is the same display held vertically
Stylus - Make sure you purchase a Capacitive screen stylus not the hard plastic tip.
Capacitive Touch Gloves
How to Make Your Own Capacitive Touch Gloves Video - Click Here